About Angeles Forestry

  • Reed Wendel Angeles Forestry Owner timber cruising in stand of Douglas fir and western hemlock in Clallam County on the North Olympic Peninsula.

  • Reed Wendel, Owner

    Reed has a B.S. and M.S. from the University of Washington’s College of Forest Resources. Prior to forming Angeles Forestry he was the Vice President of Green Crow Corporation - an industrial timberland owner that managed over 50,000 acres of forests in western Washington and Oregon.

    Reed has over 14 years of experience managing tree farms and working with small private forestland owners. He also worked five seasons throughout the western United States as a wildland firefighter. Port Angeles is Reed’s hometown and his objective is to use forestry to improve people’s lives on the Olympic Peninsula.

Forest stand of western hemlock ready for timber harvest.  Korea export quality hemlock.